Contact Us

We would love to welcome you to one of our Worship Services, Bible Classes, or Activities!

Where We Meet

The University Church of Christ building is located at:

115 Country Estates Dr

San Marcos, TX 78666

Our Weekly Meeting Times


Worship - 10:00am

Bible Classes for All Ages - 1:15pm



Congregational Singing Followed by Bible Classes for All Ages

Additional Scheduled Activities

Ladies' Bible Studies

During the Fall and Spring Semesters:

1st and 3rd Tuesdays

10am at the Church Building

2nd and 4th Tuesdays

7pm at Ladies' Homes

Fellowship Meals

Year Round:

1st and 3rd Sundays

Between Morning Worship Services

and Afternoon Bible Classes

Visitors and guests are always welcome!

University Student Activities

During Fall and Spring Semesters:

Tuesday Evening Bible Studies

Guys - 6:30pm at McCarty Student Center

Girls - 7pm at Ladies' Homes

Thursday Devotionals

6:30pm at McCarty Student Center