April 14-18, 2024 Schedule

This year, in addition to our traditional classes for men and ladies, we have added a NEW OPTION for groups of 12 or fewer. These will be located in the Elders' office (ELD). They will be limited to those who have signed up for them on a first-come, first-serve basis. The sign up sheets will be available in the main foyer of the church building on the registration table. Another new class will meet in Room 6, which we call the "Old Library." Childcare will be provided during the morning sessions on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

  • RED text indicates sessions for ladies only
  • 10:00 AM

    Children's Bible Classes VARIOUS

    AUD Introduction to 1 Peter MICHAEL HITE

    ANX One King. Two Queens. VERONICA BROWN

    11:00 AM

    AUD Worship Service – A Hope That Lives (1 Peter 1:3) CLINT BROWN

    12:30-4:00 PM Lunch on your own

    4:00 PM

    AUD Salvation: Future, Present, & Past (1 Peter 1:4-12) WES AUTREY

    ANX Lord, Make Me a Servant TERI AUTREY

    5:00 PM

    AUD Prepared for Action (1 Peter 1:13-16) DREW LEONARD

    ANX The Business of Sheep Keeping VERONICA BROWN

    6:00 PM

    AUD 1 Peter Reading & Themes

  • 8:30 AM

    ANX A Trio of Principles: Faith, Hope, & Love FOCAL POINT DIRECTORS

    9:30 AM

    ANX If I Only Had One Sermon to Preach from the Old Testament BILL BURK

    AUD The Good Life (1 Peter 3:8-12TERI AUTREY

    ELD Limited Session – Logos Bible Software Discussions MICHAEL HITE

    10:30 AM

    ANX If I Only Had One Sermon to Preach from the New Testament EDDIE PARRISH

    AUD Helping Bible Class Teachers Chart Spiritual Growth – LISA KENNEDY

    ELD Limited Session – Logos Bible Software Discussions MICHAEL HITE

    11:15 AM

    AUD Congregational Singing

    11:45-1:15 PM Lunch Provided in Annex

    1:15 PM

    AUD Purified To Love (1 Peter 1:22-2:3BILL BURK

    RM6 Deeper Study: Journeys of Faith JOHN MOORE

    2:15 PM

    AUD Grace Gone Sour JIM LLOYD

    ANX Landmines That Test a Preacher’s Heart (1) MIKE VESTAL  

    RM6 Deeper Study – Tracing Truth: Baptism DREW LEONARD

    ELD Limited Session - Marriage Discussions JOHN & CARLA MOORE

    3:15 PM

    AUD The Mystery of God JEFF JENKINS 

    ANX Panel Discussion – Strengthening Preacher-to-Preacher Relationships BILL BURK & CLINT BROWN

    RM6 Leadership Issues – Exhorting Elders (1 Peter 5:1-4) TODD CRAYTON

    ELD Limited Session – Marriage Discussions JOHN & CARLA MOORE

    7:00 PM 

    AUD Congregational Singing

    7:30 PM

    AUD Living Stones (1 Peter 2:4-12) ERIC OWENS

  • 8:30 AM

    ANX A Trio of Titles: Prophet, Priest, & King FOCAL POINT DIRECTORS

    9:30 AM

    ANX Why Are We Satisfied with Our Evangelism? (1) FERMAN CARPENTER

    AUD A Righteous Response: Part 1 (1 Peter 2:17-25) CARLA MOORE

    ELD Limited Session - Let’s Write a Sermon MIKE VESTAL

    10:30 AM

    ANX Why Are We Satisfied with Our Evangelism? (2) FERMAN CARPENTER

    AUD A Righteous Response: Part 2 (1 Peter 2:17-25) CARLA MOORE

    ELD Limited Session - Let’s Write a Sermon MIKE VESTAL

    11:15 AM 

    AUD Congregational Singing

    11:45-1:15 PM Lunch Provided in Annex

    1:15 PM

    AUD Called to Submit (1 Peter 2:13-3:7) EDDIE PARRISH

    RM6 Deeper Study – Journeys of Faith (2) JOHN MOORE

    2:15 PM

    AUD Rights & Responsibilities of Liberty ERIC OWENS 

    ANX Landmines That Test a Preacher’s Heart (2) MIKE VESTAL  

    RM6 Deeper Study – Tracing Truth: The Lord’s Supper RICK BRUMBACK

    ELD Limited Session – Let’s Illustrate a Sermon STEVE HIGGINBOTHAM

    3:15 PM

    AUD Learning That the Grace of God Is for All DALE JENKINS

    ANX Panel Discussion – Loving the Brethren TODD CRAYTON & JEFF JENKINS

    RM6 Leadership Issues – Shepherding with Compassion WES AUTREY

    ELD Limited Session – Let’s Illustrate a Sermon STEVE HIGGINBOTHAM

    7:00 PM

    AUD Congregational Singing

    7:30 PM

    AUD To Sum It All Up (1 Peter 4:8-12) STEVE HIGGINBOTHAM

  • 8:30 AM

    ANX A Trio of Responsibilities: Edification, Evangelism, & Benevolence FOCAL POINT DIRECTORS

    9:30 AM

    ANX Why Are We Satisfied with Our Division? (1) JUSTIN GUESS

    AUD God’s Grace & Our Perspective AUBRIE DEAVER

    ELD Limited Session – Elder/Preacher Discussions JEFF & DALE JENKINS

    10:30 AM

    ANX  Why Are We Satisfied with Our Division? (2) JUSTIN GUESS

    AUD Forgiving Like Jesus BAILEY JONES

    ELD Limited Session – Elder/Preacher Discussions JEFF & DALE JENKINS

    11:15 AM

    AUD Congregational Singing

    11:45-1:15 PM Lunch Provided in Annex

    1:15 PM

    AUD Don’t Be Surprised (1 Peter 4:12-19) ERIC OWENS

    RM6 Deeper Study – The Empire vs. the Exiles: The Historical Setting of 1 Peter RICK BRUMBACK

    2:15 PM

    AUD Putting Down Roots: Principles for a Long-term Ministry (1) MATT GIBSON

    ANX Consistent: Being the Same in and out of the Pulpit TODD CRAYTON

    RM6 Deeper Study – Tracing Truth: Holy Spirit MIKE VESTAL

    ELD Limited Session – Family Discussions DAN & DIANE WINKLER 

    3:15 PM

    AUD Putting Down Roots: Principles for a Long-term Ministry (2) MATT GIBSON

    ANX Panel Discussion – The Power & Practice of Mentorship DALE JENKINS & JOSH MOORE

    RM6 Leadership Issues – Guiding the Church Through the Loss of an Elder PATRICK HAMMACK 

    ELD Limited Session – Family Discussions DAN & DIANE WINKLER

    7:00 PM

    AUD Congregational Singing

    7:30 PM

    AUD When You Suffer… DAN WINKLER 

  • 8:30 AM 

    ANX A Trio of Adoration: Holy, Holy, Holy FOCAL POINT DIRECTORS

    9:20 AM 


    10:10 AM 

    ANX What About the Gray? (1) DAN WINKLER

    11:00 AM 

    ANX What About the Gray? (2) DAN WINKLER